Friday, October 20, 2017

Report "Cat and Mouse" ( Finsterbusch, Persichini) 2a


                    Report "Cat and Mouse"

In this deadline we have a medium difficult game named Cat and Mouse. This work is in Scratch, a platform in there you have to program the sprites and backgrounds with scripts. This time we have to program a cat and a mouse to move inside of a laberinth. We have to program the mouse to folow the mouse pionter and we have to program the cat to wander in the laberinth and when it touch the mouse the game it is supposed to stop. And we have a cheese that the mouse is supposed to eat.

Now here are the instruction.

                                 The Mouse

To do that the mouse folow the mouse pointer you have to do it so:

But the mouse don't have to go cross the walls. We put it so...

But when the mouse touch the cat it have to hide and the backdrop change to the backdrop 2
We made it so:

And to do that the mouse show when the game start and hide when you won and lose we put this...

                                                                         The cat 

The cat is supposed to wander in the labherinth and when it is going to touch a wall it must to point in a other direction. We put it so...

And the sript when it touvh te mous and it change backdrop and you lose. It is so...

And the sripts to make that the cat hide and show when it have to.

                                                   The cheese

This are the sripts for when the game begin.

I made a variable to too made that when the mouse eat the cheese five times he have enough cheeses and the game stop and you won. Here are the variable and the script...

When the mouse eat the cheese, a other cheese appears but it can't touch the blue then if it is so the mouse can't eat it.

If the mouse eat the cheese five times you won the game and the backdrop changes to backdrop 3. It is in this script.

 And the scripts to made thet the cheese appear when it is supposed to do, and when it is supposed to hide...

And in the backdrop is this script...

Now here are the different backdrops...

backdrop 1

Backdrop 2

backdrop 3

Here is a word cloud to this game...

                                                                   Now play it!!!!

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