Cat and Mouse Game
In this game are a cat and a mouse. The game starts when the green flag is clicked. The gamer is the mouse and the goal is to eat the cheese without touching the walls and without the cat caughts you before. The mouse moves with the mouse pointer and you can decide where you want to go. If the mouse touches a blue wall, the game will restart and if the cat caughts the mouse, the game ends.
Basic scripts for the cat:
When the cat touches the wall, he will change the direccion so you will never know where he is going to go and if the cat touchs the mouse, it will say "Caught you" and it will appear a "Game Over" backdrop.
Scripts for the mouse:
If the mouse touches the blue wall, the mouse will restart the game. As you can see, if the cat caughts the mouse, it will disappear and the game ends. If the food is 10 or more than 10 you won.
Scripts for the cheese:
The only thing that the cheese has to do is appear when the green flag is clicked and disappear when the mouse eat it or when the game ends.
This are some images of our game:
We end this blog by showing you a brainstorm of ideas that summarize the game:
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