Friday, October 6, 2017

3rd. Term Juana Hurwitz and Pia Bonilla Rivas

Our achievements 

Driving Game

These blocks were obligatory to use:

If we weren't using one of them, its because we were doing something wrong.

We created the game like this:

We made a game with two cars: the red car, and the violet car. Each one has his own way to controll.. The red car uses the arrows, and the violet one uses of the letters; w,a,s and d.
When one of both cars crosses the red line te backround changes to the level two. The first one to pass level two is the winner.
We added gas too.Gas makes the car stop if the car has no more gas in it. To recharge the gas there is a gas station.
But how did we do that? 

There are two variables like these ones but for the violet car. We used them to show the player how the speed of his car works.

How does the car move?:

For the red car we used these blocks to make it move.
  • If you press the right arrow, in the voilet car it would be the ñbe the letter D, then it turns five degrees to the right
  • If you press the left arrow, whitch would be the letter A in the voilet car, it turns five degrees to the left.
  • If you press the up arrow, that would be he letter W in the voilet car, the variable for speed changes 0.2 each time you press it.
  • If you press the down arrow, what would be the letter S in the violet car, the variable for speed changes -0.2 every time you press it.

How to make the car go slower on the gras:

When the car is on the green zone, whitch would be in this case the gras, the speed goes down to -0.3. If the car leaves the gras, it goes to his normal speed. We did that to the 2 cars and the only diffrents was that the speed had another name. 
  • Violet car = Speed2 
  • Red car = Speed

How the laps work:

This is an example of the red car, but both cars have the same blocks. The violet car has for a variable called GAS2. 

How to change the background:

We used an operator to show when the background should change. When the background changes  it means that the car made it into the second level and it should be more difficult then the first round.

How we made the GAS work:

First, we made the "GAS" as the block of "touching color...". If your car was touching the "GAS" station it will charge automatically gas to the car. And automatically when the car is not touching the gas station the car will lose gas. If the car has 0 gas it will stop.

And that is all you need to know about the "Driving Game"

Juana Hurwitz and Pia Bonilla Rivas 2A

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