Thursday, June 8, 2017

Spreadsheets serve to analyze and organize numbers,create reports, summarize a lot of information, solve mathematical problems, calculate earnings, averages, or something else in a very easy way.In this blog, we will show you how to create a Google Spreadsheet, the “vocabulary”, how to insert an image, how to create a chart, and last but not least, the difference between  formulas and function and how to use them.Spreadsheets are very easy to use, and are comfortable, functional, useful and effective. The only thing you have to do is read this blog and pay attention.
Let’s start!


In a cell you can insert letters and/or numbers. You can also color one or more cells.

How to create a Google Spreadsheet in three simple steps:

1. Go to Google Drive
2. Click on “new”, and then, on Google Sheets
3. Google will open a second tap, your Spreadsheet. Now you can select a cell and start to write on it!

How to insert a chart in five simple steps:

1. Select the data (information) you want to insert in your chart
2. Click on “insert” and then on “chart”
3. Choose one of the different styles of charts
4. Click on “customize”  to choose the title, color, and other things.
5. Click on “insert” and the chart will to appear in your Spreadsheet.

How to insert an image in two simple steps:

1. Click on “insert” and then on “image”.
2. Six options will appear: upload, take a snapshot, use a URL, google albums, google drive and search.  Select one of those and the image will to appear in your Spreadsheet.

Functions: Is a programmed formula that carries out specific calculation in the cell which is located.The first thing is: you must enter the equal sign, next you must write the function and open the brackets. Then you chose the cell and there you put the ; sign but when you want chose  two cells you must tip the : sign. The last one is you insert the last cell an you close the brackets.

Formulas: the formulas are used to perform calculations. First you enter the equal sign. Then you enter the equal sign. Next you click the first cell that you need for the calculation. Then you must taking  in mind whatever you want to calculate.For example: when you want to subtract you must enter the minus sign, when you want to add you must click the plus sign, when you want to do a divition you must enter /=shift+7. last thing, you must click the last cell that you need for the calculation and tight the enter botton.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Spreadsheets (The post Challenge)

In this post, we are going to talk about:
What is a spreadsheet? Simple, it is a panel of rows and columns which responds to certain patterns. This make your calculates much faster, but especially much easier. That's way, we learned this week to handle this program. They are two programs with the same utility, you can choose between Google Spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel. No matter what you prefer, the two programs have two basic tools, Formulas and Functions, and that is what is this post about. Both are similar, but also different. Also I will show you some other Tools, like how to make graphics and many others.

First we start with the easy ones:

Now, the complicated:

Formulas: They are used to do fast and simple calculations, like Value 1 + Value 2. How do you do that? First, you choose the cell in there you want the result (F4). Then you start with a =. Next step is choosing the cell with value 1(B13). Step 3 is putting the calculation you want to do: +, -, /, *. I choose +. Finally you click on the cell with value 2(G15). You got it! Example: B13 + G15 = F4.

Functions: They are used to make complicated calculations or other more specifically things. The common functions are: MAX(the biggest value), MIN(the smallest value), AVERAGE, SUM(plus), PRODUCT(multiplication).
For the functions, you start with a =. Then you put the functions and in brackets the range of the cells you want to calculate. Easy!


In this post you will be informed about spreadsheets, and how to create a chart and insert an image in there. You will also learn about the “basic vocabulary”, about formulas and functions, the difference between them and how to use them. Spreadsheets are normally used to analyze and organize numbers, financial data, and other information. For example: solving a mathematical problem, calculating your earnings, or others things. They are frequently used in the fields of business and accounting. Now that these concepts are clear, let´s begin.  

The basics:
To create a Google Spreadsheet, the first step is open Google Drive and then click on the blue button: “New”. Now, different options would appear, and you must click on Google sheets. Automatically Google opens a new website and this would be your spreadsheet. It is advisable that you put a titel for your spreadsheets. Now you can start writing data in your document. When you write something Google Drive automatically saves it, so don't worry!

Basic vocabulary:

You can insert many things in a cell, like numbers (appear on the left), and words (appear on the right). You can also change the color, the size of the text, the font, and other things.

How to create a chart:
Firstly you need to select the data, that you are going to use. Then you click on insert and then on chart. Next it would appear the chart menu, where you can choose the style that you want to use, and also you can customise your chart as you like. Finally you click on the blue insert button and if you want, you can move it and put it where you want or you can select the size that you prefer.

How to insert an image:
First you click on the “insert” button, that is located on the toolbar and then you click on image. Now it would we appear six differents options: Upload, Take a snapshot, By URL, Your albums, Google Drive and Search. When you already chose your option you click on insert and then you can select the size from the image or the place in which you will put it.

We use a formulas to perform calculations. The first step is to enter the equal sign (=). Then you click on the first cell you need for the calculation. Then insert the sign, taking in mind what you want to calculate. If you want to subtract, you must click on the minus sign (-). If you want to add you click on the plus sign (+). If you want to divide you click on the forward slash (/=Shift+7). If you want to multiply you click on the asterisk (*=Shift++). Finally you select the other cell that you need for the calculation and you click on the enter button.

A function is a programmed formula that carries out specific calculations in the cell in which it is located. The first step is enter the equal sign (=). Then you have to insert the function you need. Next you open brackets (), and then you select the first cell. Next you put the ; sign, if you want only two cells, and : sign if you want a range. Next you close brackets, and after that you click enter.

Nadine Wunderlich and Maria Ramirez Calvo.


In this post you will be informed about spreadsheets and how to create a chart and insert an image in there. You will also learn about the “basic vocabulary”, about formulas and functions, the difference between them and how to use them. Spreadsheets are normally used to analyze and organize numbers, financial data and other information. For example: solving mathematical problem, calculating your earnings, or other things. They are frequently used in the fields of business and accounting. Now that these concepts are crear, let´s start!

How to create a Google Spreadsheet:
To create a Google Spreadsheet, first of all you must open Google Drive and then click on the blue button: “New”. Now, different options would appear, and you must click on Google sheets. Automatically Google opens a new tab and this would be your spreadsheet. It is recommendable that you put a titel for your spreadsheets. Now you can start writing data in your document. When you write something Google Drive automatically saves it, so don't worry!

"Basic Vocabulary":

In a cell you can insert many things, like numbers (appear on the left side from the cell) and text (appear on the right side). Also you can insert text with numbers (appear on the left side)or symbols with numbers (appaer on the right side). You can change the color, the size or the font from your text.

How to create a chart:
First of all you need to select the data that you are going to use. Then you click on insert and then on chart. Next it would appear the chart menu, where you can choose the style that you want to use, and also you can customise your chart as you like. Finally you click on the blue insert button and if you want, you can move it and put it where you want or you can select the size that you prefer.

How to insert an image:
First of all you click on the “insert” button, that is on the toolbar located and then on image. Now it would we appear six differents options: Upload, Take a snapshot, By URL, Your albums, Google Drive and Search. When you already choose your image you click on insert and then you can select the size from the image or the place in which you will put it.

We use a formulas to perform calculations. The first step is to enter the equal sign (=). Then you click on the first cell you need for the calculation. Then insert the sign, taking in mind what you want to calculate. If you want to subtract, you must click on the minus sign (-). If you want to add you click on the plus sign (+). If you want to divide you click on the forward slash (/=Shift+7). If you want to multiply you click on the asterisk (*=Shift++). Finally you select the other cell that you need for the calculation and you click on the enter button.
Example: =B5+B6

A Function is a programmed formula that carries out specific calculations in the cell in which it is located. The first step is enter an equal sign (=). Then you have to insert the function you need and you open brackets. Next you selct the first cell and you put the ; sign, if you want only two cells you use the : sign if you want a range. After that you insert the last cell that you need for the calculation and you close brackets. Finally you click on the “enter” button.
Example: =sum(A2:A3)

The Post Challenge

Reading this post you can learn how to use spreadsheets, the difference between a formula and a function, how to insert an image and create a chart and some vocabulary.
What are spreedsheets?
A spreadsheet is an electronic document that let you offload the calculacions and they are one of the easiest tools so we can use to get a computer to organize stuff for us.
Create a spreedsheet:
To create a spreedsheet you have to open your google drive(google sheets) or excel, when the tap is open, you can choose a cell and you can start insterting data. When you are ready, google drive will automaticaly save all you've done, but in excel you have to click in guardar(left on the top).

You can use them to add, subract, divide or multiplicate different cells. You have to put an equal sign and then you can click or write the cell you want. If you want to subtract you click the "-", add "+", divide "/" and multiplicate "*". Then you have to select the other cell, click on enter and the result will appear.
Example: =A1+B1

A function is a programmed formula to use specific calculacion n the cell. You start with an equal sign and you have to put the function you want(SUM, AVG, PRODUCT). Next you select the cell(;) or range(:) you want to work with. Finally click enter.
Example: =SUM(A1;B1)

How to insert an image or chart
The first step is to click on insert, then on image and click on the opcion you want from the 6(upload, URL, snapshot, google albums) and insert your image. To create a chart you have to select data you want to insert in the chart. Then click on insert and on chart, you have to choose one of the styles you want for the chart. When you finished, chick on insert.

Simple calculations with spreadsheets

Hi we are Dante Martin and Nanu Fromm and in this post we are going to show you how to use simple calculations with spreadsheets. We want to  show you the difference between formulas and functions, how to use them and when. We need the spreadsheet program in Google Drives but you can use Excel (Windows) too. This to things are used to make calculations (average, sum, division, multiplication, subtraction...) in spreadsheets. If you change the number from a cell the calculation still works. The base of all is the click the cell were you want the calculation and then tipping the equal sign, then you must enter a formula or a calculation.


In this part of the post we are going to show you how to use formulas properly. The base of all is like we say before: Select the cell where you wan the result and then enter the equal sign. After that you select the cell that you want to add, divide etc. Next you put the sign of the  formula. The signs are: + to sum, - to subtract, * to multiply and / to divide. Then you must select the other cell that you want to add, divide etc. Here we are leaving you a video were you can see some examples:


Here we want to show you how to use functions. You must make the same that we showed before. Select the cell were you want the result and then put the equal sign. After that you select the funcion:

When you have the funciton you have to open a bracket and enter the cell that you want to add etc. Next put a semicolon and the other cell. You can repeat this infinitely but remember the smicolon. When you are finish put another bracket to close the function. Here is an example:


To divide and subtract numbers ther is not a function so you need to put a 1/(In the product function) to divide or a - to subtract(In the SUM function). Here is an example:


This blog comes with a bonus because we want to show you how to insert images and a grafics. First go to insert and there you can find the two things.

We hope you enjoyed the post.(Martin and Fromm)

Spreadsheets Mayer & Ranftl

This post is about learning how to use google spreadsheets /microsoft excel. This is what is all about, learning how to write functions and formulas, we are also showing you what are the differences between them . Google Spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel are very similar because they have almost the same functions and Tools, but first things first you can get google Spreadsheets for Free you just have to create an Gmail account, go to google drive and choose the kind of document you want to create. To download Microsoft Excel you must have Windows (if you have a Mac you can’t download it, so you will have to use google spreadsheets). It is not included in every Microsoft package, it comes only in the office version. (it includes: Word, Powerpoint and Excel).   
They are usable for adding, subtracting, dividing or multiplying two different cells. The best thing about them is that if you change the number that’s in the cell, it will change in the cell were you wrote the formula. Formulas work like this: in the cell where you want to have the result you have to put an equal sign (=), then write the cells you want to add or subtract, etc. and  finally, when you did this, you click enter and the result will appear. Example:


They are the best option to make calculations faster. You give like an order to it, because sometimes you will use SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, etc. It’s like in the formulas, the result changes when you change something in one of the cells. To use a function you have to:
First put an equal sign (=), then choose what you want to do, like Add (SUM), Maximal (MAX), etc. After that select the cell range you want to work with. Finally click enter and the result will appear. Example:



In this post you will be informed about how Spreadsheets are used, what they look like and what we can do with them. You will also learn how you can insert an image and a chart and the basic vocabulary.
This post will also explain the difference between a formula and a function and how to use them. Spreadsheets are a reaaly good tool, and you can use them to work with numbers, prices, create reports, summarize information, calculate earnings, solve mathematical problems and many other tasks. It's so easy to use... let's start.

How to use Google Speadsheets:
First you go to Google Drive and click on "New". Different options will appear, then you must click on "Google sheets". Google will open a page containing your new Spreadsheet. And now, start writing all your data. Google drive wll automatically save it, so... don't worry!

Basic vocabulary:

In the cell you can write many things, like numbers, letters and words. If you insert a number it will be located on the right side of the cell and if you write a letter or a word it will be located on the left side of the cell. You can insert symbols with text too, they will appear on the right. You can also change the text font, size or colour.

How to insert a chart:
First you have to select the data you want to use. Secondly you click on "insert" and then on "chart". Then the chart menu will appear and you can choose which chart you want, but be careful! In order to insert some charts, you must pay. Finally you have to click on the blue bottom to insert the selected chart, and it will be there!

How to insert an image:

You can insert different types of images. You can upload one from your computer, take one with the camera in your computer, copy the link of an image, choose it from your albums or google drive or search for one in google. You just have to go to the spreadsheet and click on "insert". Next you select the image you want to insert and the image will appear in your Spreadsheet. You can make the image bigger or smaller.

The formula is to do calculations easily. First you have to select the cell where you want to put the result of the calculation. Then you put "=" and click on the first cell you want to calculate. Then, if you want to add you put "+", if you want to subtract write "-", to divide "/" and to multiply "*". Then click on the next cell you want to calculate and finaly click on "enter".
It must look like this: =E4+E5

The function is another way to do calculations. First you select the cell where you want to put the result of the calculations, as in the formula. Then put "=" and then to add or subtract write SUM, to divide or multiply write PRODUCT. Then open parentheses and click on the first cell you want to calculate. Next, if you want to add you put ";" and to subtract ";-", if you want to multiply you put ";" and to divide ";/". Finally clik on the other cell you want to calculate and close the parentheses. If you click on "enter" the result will be there!

Saturday, June 3, 2017


If you want to calculate the average of your students, your earnings or many other things of an easy way and without having to do the accounts mentally, then I have a solution: use Spreadsheets. It is really easy. Reading this post you can learn some vocabulary from spreadsheets, the differences between a formula and a function,  how to use them and two examples to understand them better, and obviously the basics of how to use google spreadsheets. In this last topic you will learn how to create a chart and how to insert an image, between other things.  Let’s start!


The basics
The first step to create a spreadsheet is to open your google drive. Then click on new. Next click on google sheets. After this, google will open a second tap, which will be your Spreadsheet. Now you just have to chose a cell and you can start inserting data. When you are ready, google drive will automatically save all you’ve done, so you don’t have to worry by clicking save.   

How to create a chart
The first thing you have to do is select the data you want to insert in your chart. Afters click on insert and then click on chart. Many types of styles will appear, choose one. Press on customize, to choose the title of your chart, the colour and other things. At last click on insert, for your chart to appear on your spreadsheet.  

How to insert an image
The first thing you have to do is click on insert. Then click on image. Six options will appear, which are upload (your own image), take a snapshot, use a URL, google albums, google drive and search, select one of those and insert your image, that will appear automatically in your spreadsheet.   

A Formula is used to perform calculations. Once the formula is entered, you only need to change the amounts to be calculated. You don’t have to keep entering “plus this" or “minus that” like you do with a regular calculator.

The first thing you have to enter is the equal sign (=). Then you click on the first cell you need for the calculation. After that you have to insert a sign, taking in mind what you want to calculate. If you want to subtract you click on the minus sign (-), if you want to add, you click on the plus sign (+), if you want to divide, you click on the forward slash (/), and if you want to multiply you click on the asterisk (*). The next step is to select the other cell you need for the calculation. At last, you click enter, and you’re ready!

Example: =B2+B3

A function is a programmed formula that carries out specific calculations in the cell in which it is located. You start with an equal sign. The following thing you have to do, is insert the function you need. Next you open brackets. Then, you click on the first cell you want to add. After that put a column in the middle, with the ; sign, if you want only 2 cells or the : sign for a range. Then click on the last cell you want to add. Last but not least close the brackets. At last click enter.

Example: =MIN(B4:C6)