Reading this post you can learn how to use spreadsheets, the difference between a formula and a function, how to insert an image and create a chart and some vocabulary.
What are spreedsheets?
A spreadsheet is an electronic document that let you offload the calculacions and they are one of the easiest tools so we can use to get a computer to organize stuff for us.
Create a spreedsheet:
To create a spreedsheet you have to open your google drive(google sheets) or excel, when the tap is open, you can choose a cell and you can start insterting data. When you are ready, google drive will automaticaly save all you've done, but in excel you have to click in guardar(left on the top).
You can use them to add, subract, divide or multiplicate different cells. You have to put an equal sign and then you can click or write the cell you want. If you want to subtract you click the "-", add "+", divide "/" and multiplicate "*". Then you have to select the other cell, click on enter and the result will appear.
Example: =A1+B1
A function is a programmed formula to use specific calculacion n the cell. You start with an equal sign and you have to put the function you want(SUM, AVG, PRODUCT). Next you select the cell(;) or range(:) you want to work with. Finally click enter.
Example: =SUM(A1;B1)
How to insert an image or chart
The first step is to click on insert, then on image and click on the opcion you want from the 6(upload, URL, snapshot, google albums) and insert your image. To create a chart you have to select data you want to insert in the chart. Then click on insert and on chart, you have to choose one of the styles you want for the chart. When you finished, chick on insert.
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