Hi we are Dante Martin and Nanu Fromm and in this post we are going to show you how to use simple calculations with spreadsheets. We want to show you the difference between formulas and functions, how to use them and when. We need the spreadsheet program in Google Drives but you can use Excel (Windows) too. This to things are used to make calculations (average, sum, division, multiplication, subtraction...) in spreadsheets. If you change the number from a cell the calculation still works. The base of all is the click the cell were you want the calculation and then tipping the equal sign, then you must enter a formula or a calculation.
In this part of the post we are going to show you how to use formulas properly. The base of all is like we say before: Select the cell where you wan the result and then enter the equal sign. After that you select the cell that you want to add, divide etc. Next you put the sign of the formula. The signs are: + to sum, - to subtract, * to multiply and / to divide. Then you must select the other cell that you want to add, divide etc. Here we are leaving you a video were you can see some examples:
Here we want to show you how to use functions. You must make the same that we showed before. Select the cell were you want the result and then put the equal sign. After that you select the funcion:
When you have the funciton you have to open a bracket and enter the cell that you want to add etc. Next put a semicolon and the other cell. You can repeat this infinitely but remember the smicolon. When you are finish put another bracket to close the function. Here is an example:
To divide and subtract numbers ther is not a function so you need to put a 1/(In the product function) to divide or a - to subtract(In the SUM function). Here is an example:
This blog comes with a bonus because we want to show you how to insert images and a grafics. First go to insert and there you can find the two things.
We hope you enjoyed the post.(Martin and Fromm)
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